Friday 13 June 2014

Expert advice to construct an extraordinary Social Circle and bring in women..!!!
Expert advice to construct an extraordinary Social Circle and bring in women..!!!
You'd have asked yourself on many events after seeing some people who make friends where ever they go, befriending people from doormen to hot chicks; from bartender to billionaires, as to how they do it? What is that they have and we dont, that they have so many friends that too made very quickly. These individuals just do things differently which makes them friendly. Here are some traits that you need to follow in order to bring in that change in you.

1. Make sure that you make eye contact - Remember, eye contact is one such powerful characteristic to possess by an individual. Always make eye contact whenever you are speaking to someone; the eye contact should be powerful and remain contacted until they let go. Powerful eye contact shows that you are confident and in control of the situation.

2. Depict Self-belief while you are having a conversation, no fidgeting please. If you are lacking it then it is the right time to start focusing on it. Work on your self-assurance today - Head to the gym or acquire a pastime, wear some new clothes and get a great body. It is simple, when you start feeling good about your body and mind, Confidence comes immediately.

3. Humour is the next key. Smoothen up the feeling of the people around you, with whom you are talking to by making a joke or two. Being humorous helps a lot. It also makes your blood circulation be smooth making you in control of yourself. Work on your skills, critically this is one thing that helps you connect with girls.

4. Be the first to start the conversation. If you wish to befriend people quickly, then you have to always take the first step. Topics can be on anything from clothes, sports or the weather.

6. This is most likely a vey important of all, Be a superior listener. I need not say much on this. It could sound a cliché, but it is important. Find topics that others are comfortable with. So, all I am saying is Listening helps a lot. This also helps you find the commonalities between you, leading to easier non-anxious conversations. Invite the person out where you both have common reasons. For example, if the other person is interested in arts and paintings, invite her to an art gallery or museum.

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