Saturday 30 November 2013

Blog Traffic Tip 3 – Social Media Posting
Blog Traffic Tip 3 – Social Media Posting
Social Media Posting is another great way to get repeat blog traffic. Too many people are just not using social media posting to it’s fullest potential!

Social Media has grown to be an advertising startegy that just can’t be overlooked. It integrates technology, social interaction, and content creation to collaboratively connect online information. Through social media posting, people or groups can create, organize, edit, comment on, combine, and share content, which can get your message across the internet real quick. The most commonly-used types of social media posting are blogs, social networks (facebook, twitter, Linkedin), Wikis (Wikipedia), Discussion Forums, Video, Podcasts etc.

A social media posting website would be a website that doesn’t just offer you information, but allows you to interact with the site while offering you that information. This back and forth interaction can be as simple as asking for your comments or letting you vote on an article, or asking to share the content with your friends and contacts, so reach of the content is endless when you use social media posting.

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