Friday, 9 August 2013

Acid Reflux Tips That Anyone Can Use
Acid Reflux Tips That Anyone Can Use
Is your enemy acid reflux? Has it kept you from sleeping many nights? Are you suffering because of the acid reflux eating at your esophagus? You can control acid reflux and the guide below can help you end your suffering.

You have to quit smoking! Smoking worsens acid reflux and may actually cause it. Smoking reduces the production of saliva and slows down digestion, causing stomach acids to increase. This can cause the esophageal sphincter to weaken. That's one more reason it is a great idea to quit.

Many pregnant women suffer from acid reflux. A growing baby can squeeze the mother's stomach, causing acid to go up the esophagus. Stick to foods that are low in fat and acid in order to keep the symptoms from popping up. If that is not of help, certain teas will do the trick with no harm to your baby.

Stay on your feet for about two hours after consuming food. This allows gravity to assist in keeping the acid in your stomach where it belongs. You will notice that the esophagus feels much better if you remain upright.

After meals, consider a stick of cinnamon gum. Chewing promotes saliva production. The extra saliva will, in turn, reduce stomach acids. Plus, quite often you swallow more when you chew gun, so it clears out any acid that could be in your esophagus. You may use fruit flavored gum if you prefer that. Mint gym may make your esophagus relax, which isn't good.

If you have acid reflux, do not exercise after eating. When you exercise, the abdominal muscles can push food that's in the stomach up through the esophagus. This can result in acid reflux. If you must exercise after eating, at least wait an hour before doing it.

Try to keep your weight down if you want to beat acid reflux. Obesity is one of the leading causes. By shedding one-tenth of your total body weight, you may see significant reductions in the occurrence of reflux. Try to eat healthier rather than following a fad diet.

Do you understand how to stop acid reflux? Are you ready to get a good night's sleep again? Can you give your esophagus the chance to recuperate? Now that you have been privy to this great advice, you know what to do to help yourself feel better fast!

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